One Acts
The One-Acts are a time-honored tradition at Grosse Pointe South. Each year, theater students look forward to these student directed performances. It is a great privilege to be awarded the direction of a One-Act. For every dramatic performance or event that a student is involved in, he or she receives a specific number of thespian points. The amount of points awarded varies, depending on size of the role or extent of involvement in a dramatic activity. Thespians can also receive points by becoming a Pointe Player chairperson, an officer, working behind the scenes of a performance, or attending theatre festivals. Inducted thespians their senior yer are allowed the privilege to apply to direct. Each piece generally runs fifteen to thirty minutes. The awarding of a One-Act epitomizes a student’s dedication and involvement with the Pointe Players; it is a great responsibility, but also a great honor. |
Find tips and director packet below!!!!

dirdeadlinepkt.pdf |